Monday, January 19, 2015

How to say "Bye Bye" to Blackheads

Our annoying blackheads occur when your pores are clogged with excess amount of oil and dead skin. Let's just remember one important factor, blackheads are not caused by dirt. 

Scrubbing your face a lot is not a good way to get rid of your blackheads. It is only going to make it worse and you will just end up drying out your skin. All you have to do is clean out your pores, and the blackheads are gone.

There’s no need to squish and squeeze.

However, there is a PLUS point to this blackhead scenario. People with oily skin and large pores don’t wrinkle as quickly (because the skin is VERY good at replenishing the oils). So when you’re 60, this will be a blessing.

Here are some helpful tips :

Do a Honey Pat-Down
For this to work, your honey should be very sticky. The stickier it is, the more effective it is. 
Simply pour a small amount of honey on your fingers and start rapidly patting the areas on your face where you want to remove blackheads. The honey will stick to the stuff in your pores, and pull it out as you remove your fingers. It will also offer gentle antibacterial and antioxidant support, so any small remnants that may be left in your pores won’t oxidize (and turn black) quite as quickly.
Continue doing this for 3 or so minutes, and then just rinse your face with water.

Use Egg Whites to Pull Out the Dirt
Starting with a clean face, spread egg whites all over using your fingers or a paintbrush. Start first with one thin layer and let it dry briefly. Then spread a second layer over the top and let the whole thing dry completely.
 You may want to focus on the blackhead areas a third time, even.
Allow this mask to dry for 15 minutes. Your face will feel tight and pull a bit. This is good. Then, with a warm, wet washcloth, scrub the egg whites off your face very gently.

Now... if any of these seem not suitable for you just use a typical pore strips from Biore or even Boscia. However, if we are within budget you can always watch this DIY video that Michelle Phan did.

Have fun removing those nasty heads ....

SweetReadings :)

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